Authors and Friends

When it comes to an Author’s readership community, the fundamental purpose is communication from the writer to the reader. How so beautiful it is when everyone’s tied-in on the same page of thought knowing, first of all, their favorite author is still alive and kicking and secondly knowing what’s on the horizon coming up. Perhaps the writer may need a swift kick in the pants to bring more enthusiasm to the craft, or maybe the writer has gone dark and is deeply involved in framing out the novel, and simply dropping a line of encouragement in an email, is all this writer needs. Remember, it is not just you, but the many readers who might also have the same thoughts, so perhaps knowing where the next story is heading a simple ‘heads up’ can be gratifying.

So in case, you didn’t know it (or simply took it for granted,) a simple newsletter isn’t just a one-way communique of sorts, but rather, a Q&A correspondence between reader and writer. It is at least in my world, and in many other author’s newsgroups as well. Just so you know that is why I refer to my newsletter as a ‘Readers Group.’

In my personal email contacts are my readers’ email addresses — right along with my personal friends and family. I wouldn’t sell or pass out any addresses to strangers any more than I would send a friend up the river.  It’s a bond made out of trust, and much more, an honor to have you as a reader and a friend.

So what are you waiting for? Hit the button below and sign up. While you’re at it, browse the site and pick up a free copy of Patriot Son too.
